With the rut winding down and a majority of the does having been bred, deer in general focus on food. We have several trail cameras focused around the outskirts of a block that is annually the core area for a number of bucks in the summer and early fall. Once the pre-rut kicked in, bucks who were in front of these cameras daily, disappeared as they started criss-crossing the landscape in search of does. Now after almost 2 months we are starting to see these bucks back in front of the cameras.

That being said, it's proving that the rut-weary bucks come back to their home range to nurse their wounds, find safety and rest, and to try and replenish the body fat that they lost during the rut. Food is key and putting yourself near the food sources can be your best strategy for killing a post-rut buck.
For us, putting in the effort to plant our Fall Feast Food Plot Blend back in October will hopefully shine! We've been getting photos from people all over who so graciously bought and planted our Fall Feast this year and we just want to say that we thank you for your patronage and hope that you're so successful this season that you'll continue to plant it for years to come.

The bottom line is whether you've planted food plots, keep corn out for deer or have identified certain vegetation on your property like honeysuckle or Green Briar as a preferred food source you can have success even after the rut has come and gone!
