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I get the question on a regular basis.  “How long does it take to complete an episode of Carolina ALL OUT.”  My typical response is “About 80 hours.”  That’s just postproduction… That’s not including the days of shooting, as well as all the uploading and downloading and writing and voice overs that is necessary to make our shows the best they can be!  But just doing the simple math of 80 hours x 13 episodes comes out to be 1,040 hours of “butt in the seat”, “staring at computer screen” time each year.  If it doesn’t sound fun, I can assure you it’s not.  I’ll give the lion’s share of the credit to my producer Josh Lawler who makes the shows look as good as they do and whenever we wrap up a season, he likens it to just getting out out of prison!  

Well a big congratulations to Ole Josh cause he just made his parole as the last episode, show 13, has just been uploaded to the network!  I am grateful for all the hard work that has gone into this season by our team, and the funds from our partners who have made this all possible and, of course, all the emails and messages from our followers and viewers telling us they loved certain episodes.  It’s truly humbling to be a part of the North Carolina Outdoors and inspiring people to get out there and experience it for themselves!

If you haven’t had a chance to watch lately, all our episodes can be found on our YouTube Channel.  Just go to YouTube and type in “Carolina ALL OUT” and you should start seeing our episodes and look for the Red, White and Blue Fishbone logo!  You can catch us on Pursuit Channel 4 times a week: Mon 1:30am, Tue 6:30am, Fri 7:00am, Sat 10:30am and the PursuitUP is adding our episodes weekly.  You can also go to watch them from there!  Also, if you’re in Virginia, West Virginia or Maryland, you can see us on ALIVE TV Mon 8:30pm/ Wed 7pm/ Sat 6am

Thanks for making this season a success and we’re looking forward to bringing you more great adventures from our home state in season 9 starting in July of 2025!


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